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2024 R-Page2.0 Website Platform System Training

publish date : 2024-11-29
To familiarize staff with the website platform operations, Computer Center hosted the "R-Page2.0 Website Management Platform System" training on November 21, 2024 (Thursday). The training was aimed at faculty members responsible for website updates in various departments and other interested colleagues.

The training sessions were held in two phases at the PC1 computer classroom in the Information Building. The course content included basic concepts of the platform system, information management, announcement module, homepage settings, header links, link module, advertisement module, tab module, composite module, form module, and custom module, as well as new features of the R-Page2.0 system.

Responsive web design (RWD) refers to websites that can be used across different device platforms. By automatically detecting the screen size of the user's device, the website adjusts the text and images to provide the best viewing experience. This training also emphasized the principles of accessible web design, advocating that multimedia content on departmental web pages should include appropriate alternative text. This not only aids hearing and visually impaired users in accessing information, functions, and meanings of the images but also helps users accessing the web via mobile phones or other bandwidth-limited devices efficiently grasp the website content, thereby enhancing the service quality of the university's website.
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